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Andy Lee


Financial Planner

I qualified as a financial adviser in 1998. Prior to joining Walden Capital I worked for both Barclays and Lloyds Bank and spent over 12 years as a Senior Financial Planning Manager at Santander.

I strongly believe the key to being a good adviser is having the ability to combine up-to-date knowledge with the capacity to listen and understand what really matters to our clients. Appointing the right financial adviser to help make important fiscal decisions really can have a hugely positive impact on families and their future.

I am delighted to be part of the fantastic team at Walden Capital, providing comprehensive independent financial advice across a range of topics, specialising in investments, pensions, and inheritance tax planning.

In my spare time you’ll find me wandering around the eclectic mix of shops in Saffron Walden or walking our cocker spaniel, Bella.

Andy Lee

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Andrew Lee, Cambridge
Knowledge & resources

The latest news, information and opinion on the current financial situations and trends plus useful guides to investing, pensions and making the most of your wealth.

Knowledge & resources

The latest news, information and opinion on the current financial situations and trends plus useful guides to investing, pensions and making the most of your wealth.
